Corns Corns are calluses that form on the toes because of bones that push up aga [...]
Corns Corns are calluses that form on the toes because of bones that push up aga [...]
Calluses A callus, also known as hyperkeratosis, is an area of hard, thickened s [...]
Cysts Cysts are fluid-filled masses under the skin. Common cysts of the feet inc [...]
Fungus Many people don't realize they have a fungal nail problem and, therefore, [...]
Gangrene Gangrene is caused by lost blood supply to the foot or bacterial infect [...]
Frostbite Extreme exposure of your feet to cold for a prolonged period can lead [...]
Lesions Skin lesions refer to any variation in skin color or texture anywhere on [...]
Smelly Feet and Foot Odor The feet and hands contain more sweat glands than any [...]
Swelling Swelling of the feet, ankles and legs, also known as edema, is often ca [...]
Ulcers Ulcers are skin wounds that are slow to heal. In the foot, as prominent m [...]